[challenge] 15 takeaways from summer 2012

summer is drawing to a close as i prepare to pack away my life in boxes and move to a new swanky apartment (with the amazing Anna B), but before i leave i’d like present some short ‘life lessons’ i have learned in these long 3 months. this is also a challenge by my good friend Kera Package (original post here) … as she did the same thing as challenged her readers to respond in the same manner.

without further adieu, here are 15 things i have learned !

1. staying in touch when your friends are far away is difficult, but so worth it
2. there is greater value in quality purchases and decisions
3. my mom & i make an awesome team
4. there is so much joy in singleness
5. letting God take control is so much ‘easier’ than trying to forge my own way through life
6. saying that i’m committed vs. actually being committed = totally different statements
7. i am beautifully & wonderfully made { on psoriasis, makeup, and beauty }
8. ^ part 2: i am no ashamed of my small eyes
9.  mentorship is vital to any community!
10. you don’t need to save the world
11. there is stillness everywhere — finding peace on the streets of the Big Apple
12. every person matters
13. God’s plans are always bigger than ours
14. what are: defective vs. effective habits
15. graffiti is art [photo series]

copied from Kera’s blogpost: 

There you have it. Want to hear the story behind any of the one-line lessons? Just ask in a comment below, and I’ll answer. =]
WAIT, there is a catch. I want to hear what you are learning this summer too!
What’s one thing you’ll take away from the last few months? 


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